jennifer lezcano envirosouth environmental consulants

Jennifer Lezcano

Environmental Scientist

Jennifer provides our clients with top-quality service, advice, and strategy as our primary project manager in environmental due diligence related to commercial and industrial property transactions. In her role, she effectively communicates with EnviroSouth’s clients to ensure they are aware of schedules, budgets, findings, and recommendations related to their due diligence needs.

A native of Laurens, South Carolina, Jennifer graduated from Wofford College with a B.S. degree in Biology and a B.A. degree in Spanish. She furthered her Spanish speaking and writing skills as well as her interest in the natural world working with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in the Republic of Panamá for a few years. Jennifer then moved to Durham, North Carolina and earned a Master of Environmental Management degree from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, with a concentration in Ecosystem Science and Conservation and a certificate in Community-Based Environmental Management.