Recognizing that each site assessment is unique, we tailor our approach to best serve our clients’ interests. Our experienced professionals consider technical aspects, costs, timeframes, and client objectives when planning and executing contamination assessment services.
EnviroSouth employs a range of assessment methods, from basic to advanced, to meet the diverse needs of our clients. These methods include:
- Soil borings and sample collection
- Hand augered borings, direct-push drilling, and auger drilling services
- Groundwater sampling
- Direct-push temporary and semi-permanent monitoring wells, auger drilling services for permanent monitoring wells, and rotary air hammer services for bedrock well drilling
- Surface water and sediment sampling
- Soil gas sample collection and analysis
- Sub-slab vapor and indoor air testing
- Test pit excavations
- Colorimetric and photoionization detector (PID) field screening
- embrane interface probe (MIP)
- Hydraulic profiling tool (HPT)
- Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF and DyeLIF)
We apply common sense in selecting the most appropriate assessment methods to meet the desired level of detail, budget, and timeframe. EnviroSouth is committed to delivering accurate and cost-effective solutions for soil and groundwater contamination assessment.
Contact EnviroSouth today to learn more about our comprehensive assessment services and how we can assist you in addressing environmental concerns effectively.
Soil & Groundwater Contamination Diagram
Here is an example of how it works.