EnviroSouth, Inc. was contracted by purchasers of this site to develop Brownsfields agreements with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to allow the purchase and redevelopment. The agreements with the SCDHEC were successfully forged through the assistance of EnviroSouth and McCall Environmental, P.A. (environmental attorney) in a manner that allowed the purchasers to reliably predict future environmental expenses associated with residual concentrations of soil and groundwater contaminants. The approximately 46-acre property, which operated from the 1940s to 2013, formerly manufactured parts used in the textile industry and sat idle after the owners filed bankruptcy. EnviroSouth worked with Regenesis Corporation to develop a remediation design that will further reduce the already low concentrations of chlorinated solvents in the groundwater. The remediation design is intended to serve as a defensive barrier to protect a nearby creek. The Former Steel Heddle Site is a true success story that illustrates how an idle site can be put back into productive use and lead to the creation of numerous jobs , while improving the environment.
Former Steel Heddle Manufacturing Site