Groundwater Remediation – Industrial Dry Cleaning Plant
The Challenge:
Design and implement a monitoring and remediation plan that will protect residents and streams in the area of dry cleaning fluid (chlorinated solvent) contamination. Prior to EnviroSouth’s involvement, a previous consultant proposed a large-scale remediation approach that did not address the immediate concerns related to soil vapor intrusion in stores and residences in the area or the migration of solvent-impacted groundwater into nearby streams.
Our Solution:
Using laboratory data from groundwater monitoring wells and surface water samples, EnviroSouth designed a permeable reactive barrier remediation system to block the tetrachloroethene (PCE) solvent in the groundwater from entering a creek which passes through a nearby condominium community. Sub-slab soil vapor samples at stores and residences in the area demonstrated that soil vapor migration and vapor intrusion did not present a significant concern.
What's Unique:
The use of a remediation technology focused on the environmental receptor (stream) allowed immediate protection at 80% less cost than a system that would have likely been ineffective based on the presence of widespread contamination in a poorly-defined bedrock fracture system.
Services We Provided:
- Groundwater Monitoring
- Stream Monitoring
- Soil Vapor Assessment
- Chlorinated Solvent Remediation
- Risk Assessment Survey
- Permeable Reactive Barrier Technology