In June 2022, EnviroSouth, Inc. attended the prestigious Battelle Chlorinated Conference in Palm Springs, California. Tom Donn, Keigan Mennetti, and M. Allen Meadows attended the conference in order to obtain additional knowledge about current remediation technologies that industry leaders employ across the United States.
Key takeaways include the utilization of high-resolution site characterization (HRSC) throughout site assessment activities in order to increase the effectiveness of the chosen remedial approach. EnviroSouth has deployed many HRSC tools throughout the years and is experienced in the implementation of such services including laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and Dye-enhanced laser induced fluorescence (DyeLIF) systems.
Additionally, commercial and industrial applications of soil mixing, in-situ chemical reduction, in-situ chemical oxidation, air-sparging, pump and treat systems, permeable reactive barriers, and other remedial designs were all discussed throughout the conference. Such corrective action measures have been deployed on a variety of projects throughout the southeast by EnviroSouth environmental professionals throughout the years.