Brownfields Redevelopment – Precious Metals Recovery Facility
The Challenge:
Evaluate soil and groundwater conditions underlying a property that is considered a high risk of soil impact by metals based on historical land use. Groundwater is present within fractured bedrock.
Our Solution:
EnviroSouth rapidly completed assessment activities to meet developer deadlines. The detection of an elevated metals concentration in one groundwater sample required EnviroSouth to elicit a quick response from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC). The Department agreed with EnviroSouth's technical evidence that the metals were likely attributable to naturally occurring conditions.
What's Unique:
Our relationship of trust and mutual respect with the SCDHEC facilitated a timely outcome that allowed the property purchase to be completed on schedule.
Services We Provided:
- Groundwater Sampling and Analyses
- Soil Sampling and Analyses
- Regulatory Interactions
- Direct-Push Soil Sampling
- Air Hammer Drilling into Bedrock