
We work with everyone, from national corporations to small business. We're here to help you with your environmental consulting needs.

Convenience Store Site Closure, Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal, Groundwater Assessment

Anderson, South Carolina

The Challenge:

EnviroSouth, Inc. was contracted by a convenience store owner to provide site closure services ahead of a property transaction.

Groundwater Assessment – Gasoline Station/Convenience Store

Liberty, SC

The Challenge:

Determine the horizontal and vertical extent of petroleum-impacted groundwater caused by leakage of gasoline from an underground storage tank system. The contaminant plume underlies 10 off-site residential properties and a day care facility.

Groundwater Remediation – Bulk Fuel Terminal

Spartanburg, South Carolina

The Challenge:

Remediate a bulk fuel terminal that has operated since World War II. Groundwater was discovered to be impacted over an area of 5+ acres, including numerous off-site residential properties. The petroleum contamination existed as free-phase floating gasoline (over 2 acres) and as dissolved compounds in saturated soils and fractured bedrock aquifers.

Groundwater Remediation – Medical Products Manufacturing Plant

Greenwood, South Carolina

The Challenge:

Rapidly remove diesel fuel floating atop the groundwater in an area of the site which is underlain by a dense network of electrical, natural gas, and cooling water utility lines. Prior to EnviroSouth’s involvement, diesel fuel remediation was being performed for 8+ years by another consulting firm using passive recovery pumps with minimal effect.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Soil Assessment, UST Removal

Greenville, South Carolina

The Challenge:

Through the completion of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for a former automotive service center, recognized environmental conditions (RECs) were identified. Significant staining, in-ground hydraulic car lifts, an underground storage tank (UST) for waste oil, all presented significant environmental concerns.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal

Greenville, South Carolina

The Challenge:

A Phase I ESA identified the presence of an underground storage tank (UST) on the subject property. Because of the size and location of the tank, it was estimated to have been a former heating oil tank used for facility heating.

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment – National Retailer Expansion

Approximately 300 Properties Assessed in South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virgina, and Ohio

The Challenge:

Perform numerous Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and subsequent Limited Phase II ESAs for a high-volume retail developer. Our environmental services have been completed on aggressive time schedules and continue to exceed the expectations of the client’s lenders and future property investors. Our environmental site assessment (ESA) services have been leveraged across the southeast with nearly 300 total properties being assessed since 2011.

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments – Convenience Store Chain Real Estate Aquisitions

Multiple Sites in Upstate in South Carolina

The Challenge:

Provided full service environmental assessments for multiple locations in a short timeframe. The services included Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) by the applicable ASTM Standard at the time, Underground Storage Tank system compliance inspections, soil assessments, and groundwater assessments.

Brownfield Redevelopment & Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal

Anderson, South Carolina

The Challenge:

While conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), EnviroSouth personnel identified the presence of an out of use, underground storage tank (UST). The presence of the UST was attributed to past residential use of the property where the tank formerly contained heating oil used for facility heating. To mitigate the future liabilities for the prospective purchaser, the UST was removed prior to the close of the property transaction. During the UST investigation, it became evident that a past release of petroleum product, formerly contained in the UST, had occurred.

Brownfields Redevelopment – Automotive Parts Manufacturing Plant

Easley, South Carolina

The Challenge:

Guide our client through the process of negotiating and fulfilling the terms of a Brownfields Voluntary Cleanup Contract (VCC). The contract was needed to allow the client to safely purchase a manufacturing plant that was previously documented to be impacted by groundwater contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE), a chlorinated solvent.

Brownfields Redevelopment – Precious Metals Recovery Facility

Duncan, South Carolina

The Challenge:

Evaluate soil and groundwater conditions underlying a property that is considered a high risk of soil impact by metals based on historical land use. Groundwater is present within fractured bedrock.

Groundwater, Soil Vapor, and Indoor Air Assessment – Industrial Dry Cleaning Plants

Kingsport and Knoxville, Tennessee and Greenville, SC

The Challenge:

Evaluate the extent of contamination related to the leakage of dry cleaning solvent (tetrachloroethene) in the groundwater and creek on and near the former plant properties. The impacted groundwater occurs in soil and fractured bedrock aquifers. Because of shallow groundwater and the presence of solvents in soils underlying the plant building, soil vapors and indoor air quality also require evaluation. The previous detection of solvents in an adjacent creek required a detailed assessment of surface water impact.